We all lose golf balls whether we hit them into the rough or lose sight of them. When searching for your lost golf it can take can take a long time if you manage to find it that is. A golf ball finder is a device the locates your missing golf ball. There are many kinds of devices and they come in various types.
Information: What is a golf ball finder?
A golf ball finder is an electronic device that work with every with your standard golf ball you play with during your round. Many of these devices are electronic like our golf ball finder torch. Other gadgets have tracking devices or even golf ball finder glasses.
Golf ball finder torches
The golf ball finder torches will only work during the dark, so you can forget about using them during your round. If you are wanting to find lots of balls quickly without having to buy lots of expensive balls this is the device for you.
Blue lens glasses
These blue glasses can be taken out on your round of golf, but we’ve tried them before and aren’t very effective. They are meant to work by eliminating the light of the surroundings allowing the white golf ball to show up in the grass.
Golf ball trackers
Golf ball trackers normally have a location chip inside the shell of the golf ball allowing you to track your ball with a handheld device that clips onto your bag. These can often be very expensive to buy.
We’ve tried a lot of different devices to track your golf balls, but we recommend getting a few lessons instead! If your wanting to save some money, buy a golf ball finder torch and you’ll never have to buy golf balls again!